Monday, July 25, 2011

Point and shoot: Unreal wheels

After being stuck indoors for a few days while the little big girl and I were both sick, I was happy to down a cup of concrete to harden the eff up and leave my pity party at home.

We had brought tickets weeks earlier to the sold out Victorian All Stars vs Texas 
Roller Derby and I didn't want to miss it.

I only made it to half time, standing holding a fidgety toddler wasn't my ideal, but it was awesome and I may have added a pair of skates to my "when I get back" wish list.

(How I wish I could still fit into, and find the ones I had as a teenager. Fresh clean white with red trimmings and a buckle, they were HOT HOT HOT!!!).

I think in the meantime we will start a juniour team of our own.

Now I just need to invest in a few bags of cotton wool to wrap them in


  1. to be honest i have never heard of such a thing. sounds interesting. love your team! hope your feeling better :)

  2. Haha, I love your roller-derby kids. I'm with you on the cotton wool though :)

  3. What a gorgeous pic!
    I love how making it to halfway through anything with little people is just fine with me these days!

  4. Hey if you don't laugh you cry right ... you really do crack me up :)

  5. Ha ha we only made half way when we took the kids to see Bon Jovi.
    I would like to see the roller derby x

  6. How seriously cool!!! As for starting your own team..Brilliant! :)
